Surrender & Allow

Ethereal MermaidThe quality of surrendering is an aspect of the feminine. It requires letting go, releasing thoughts, emotions, goals, desires, fears, attachments and preconceived notions. And yet to surrender is powerful in its own right. It’s when you realize the paradox of being a divine co-creator, while also acknowledging that certain things are beyond your control. In that space of knowingness and trust, you can more fully step into your power.

When you surrender what you no longer need, the limiting thoughts, situations, people, and ways of being, you create space for better things to come your way. In the manifestation process, you create what is attuned to your vibrational frequency, as in like attracts like. It is helpful to clearly discern what you want to create, whether you write it down, create a vision board, or hold a strong mental image. The immense power of thought and intention constructs the lucid reality of this third dimensional experience, and you always have the choice of what you want to create. When you awaken to the fact that there is more than what can be seen, measured, and analyzed, you begin to see magic in the mundane.

Ethereal Mermaid Original photography CopyrightOriginal Photography

To surrender and let go is the act of creating space for more peace, love, abundance, and opportunities for growth to enter your reality. In meditation, I realized I could let go of it all, the thoughts, fears, and self-imposed limitations, in order to be filled with Universal love.  When you surrender, you become a vessel for cosmic love and wisdom to flow through you, with its infinite and relentless source of creativity, peace, and compassion. In this manner, you allow better things to come your way.

Ask the Universe, your angels and Higher Self to guide you to become a greater container for love and abundance. Ask the Universe to bring you something better than you can imagine. This is a blank check for the Universe to flow abundance your way, and continue to amaze you with unexpected miracles. Meditate on your specific intention, and allow it to occur naturally with grace and ease. Expect miracles, shifts in perception. Expect that all good things are already coming to you. The Universe is conspiring to make it happen, you simply have to get out of your own way.