Trust the process

At this time we are prepared to gain more clarity surrounding our dreams, goals and wishes for the future. Where do we want to be in a few months time, a year from now, ten years? How does our individual journey assist universal consciousness, oneness?

We are being called into the depths of our awareness, to connect with our higher selves in order to effectively channel the highest vibration of our soul purpose. Through contemplation, meditation, and intention, we align with the best possible timeline, our highest path that will of greatest service to others. We connect with the eternal part of ourselves, simultaneously deep and grounded as well as ethereal and connected with cosmic will.

Your angels and guides are close by, ready to be called on to assist your mission. They ask you to trust the process of your journey as it beautifully unfolds in Divine time. In this moment, you can consciously call upon the guidance of your higher self in manifesting your soul purpose. You agreed to your soul purpose because you knew you would have all the support needed to complete it.

These Dreams

Ethereal Mermaid ~ Natarajasana

As we engage more deeply with our spiritual practice, whatever it may be, we develop the fundamental understanding that life is a reality created through intention and action. What we focus on expands because our focus and intention is so powerful. If we tend to dwell on mistakes of the past or worries of the future, we take ourselves out of the present and create unnecessary anxiety, which effectively hinders the manifestation process. If, however, we take the focus on negativity and shift that to love, we instantly align with our soul’s highest purpose, to authentically love, create, and serve others. We open the gates to manifestation with the understanding that whatever we can dream, we can create. 

The unique expression of our soul’s purpose is found in our greatest passions and talents. That is where we must place our positive intention for growth and transformation. Focusing on negativity only creates more of it. The shift to a loving perspective creates opportunities for abundance to enter our lives in unexpected ways. The key is to get still and silent enough to access the wisdom of the heart space, which communicates through emotion, intuition, synchronicities, and angelic messages. It is also helpful to call upon your higher self, guides, and angels to release stuck, negative energy surrounding past mistakes or traumas. Assistance is always available to let go of what you no longer need. By setting your intention, it is done.

Allow yourself the space and time to sit in meditation and get clear about what you want to create. It is time to leave behind the fears and ego-judgements that keep us stuck and small. It is safe to step into your power now and call upon your angels for divine guidance. Know that you will always be supported on your path as you maintain integrity, love, and devotion.


Cosmic Wisdom & Grounding with Gaia

ethereal mermaid
For empaths, lightworkers, starseeds, elementals, and highly-sensitive beings, connecting to nature is a way to ground ourselves and maintain the delicate balance that can be disrupted by the stresses of daily life. To be aware of your true divine nature is to accept yourself as you are and to release all ego-judgement about who you are or who you think you should be. You simply are the “I AM” consciousness, that which perceives everything, that which takes it all in, creating and living from the heart. You can connect to nature with your bare feet on the grass or in the sand, in the warm sunlight of the late afternoon. Deep in meditation, you can visualize yourself on top of a mountain, breathing the brisk fresh air and allowing it to wash over you like salty ocean water. In this manner, you are revitalized and reconnected to the aspect of your being that is conscious of its interconnectedness with all of creation.

Rise with the sun and feel its radiance illuminating the light within. Your daily practice to connect with nature will cultivate surreal clarity, allowing you to call in your angels and higher self for guidance. With balance and connection to Gaia, you access a greater ability to hear the wisdom of your guides. The cosmic wisdom that you receive during meditation or dream states will be integrated more effectively when you connect with nature, allowing that wisdom to flow through you into the environment, an extension of your being. Gaia is healed when you meditate and ground the wisdom of the stars and your star family into the earth, cleansing and healing her with pure love and light.

Listen closely. Nature will show you the way.