Return to the Breath

The mind is a powerful tool, one that is best harnessed toward one-pointed focus. Time and again, it so often focuses on things outside of our control, projecting judgments on the past and fear of what is yet to come. In the tides of the Universe, gain and loss, pleasure and pain, we can only control our state of awareness, how much presence we can bring to every moment. When the mind is focused on fear and worry, it takes us out the present and the heart space, making it difficult to hear the gentle whisper of our intuition.

Taking deep yogic breaths brings us back to the present, where we live from the heart. We may be breathing shallowly from the top of the chest,  causing the body to hold tension. The energy needs to flow freely, and we can facilitate this process by bringing our focus to the breath.

Practice bringing conscious awareness to the breath by exhaling, emptying the lungs completely as the navel moves gently in and up toward the spine, and inhaling fully, expanding the belly and diaphragm. Take the deepest breath you’ve taken all day, fully filling the lungs from the stomach up to the top of the chest. Release any built up tension with an audible sigh through the mouth. Continue the deep inhale and exhale through the nose, and notice the shifts you feel within a minute. Even a few cycles of this conscious breathing can create a wave of peace through your entire being.

The breath is truly the vehicle of the divine. It is how we detoxify, bring oxygen to the body, and take in prana, pure source energy and light. When the mind detours into anxiety and worry, return to the breath, and you will witness the pure awareness that is love.


As part of our commitment to uplifting others and the environment, Earth Angels are guided to make changes that bring harmony to our inner and outer worlds. This includes not only what we eat, but also what products we choose to use for personal care and beauty. One of my missions is to choose natural and organic whenever possible, in order to limit the negative impact my choices have on the environment and my physical body. This also coincides with a shift to a more minimal way of living, but one that is nonetheless filled with beauty and abundance. By acknowledging that our choices effect the greater whole, and taking responsibility for even the smallest choices, we are empowered to make conscious decisions, creating a more harmonious existence.

Earth Angels are super sensitive to chemicals and we are truly being guided to detox from unhealthy, harmful products. For example, I’ve been guided to change my self-care routine to be in alignment with my heart by not using toxic chemical-laden perfumes, lotions, and sunscreen. Instead I opt for pure essential oils, coconut oil, and mineral sunscreen. Hemp oil is another amazing skin moisturizer that can be mixed with a few drops of your favorite essential oil.  Our body naturally produces Vitamin D through natural sunlight, which is vital to feeling happy. Another loving shift is to use fluoride-free toothpaste, as fluoride is a neurotoxin that is also present in our drinking water. It is best to avoid your exposure to this by changing to a natural toothpaste like Jasons or Desert Essence.

Harsh chemical lathering agents in shampoo can be replaced with baking soda and apple cider vinegar for the hair, and coconut oil & honey as a conditioner. Baking soda, fine sugar, and sea salt also work wonderfully as body scrubs. Lush makes natural soaps that do not contain preservatives. Dr. Bronner’s castile soap is another great option. Aluminium in anti-antiperspirants is also a concern, as it is the body’s natural process to sweat. I suggest trying a natural deodorant made from mineral salt. It lasts a long time, works well, and does not contain aluminum.

The angels are guiding us to shift, so tune in with your heart and hear their gentle messages. I recommend checking out the Skin Deep Cosmetics Database to see what chemicals are in your daily products and shift to a healthier option that has less of a negative environmental impact. The Free People blog has many natural beauty DIYs including face masks, lotions, deodorant, and hair care. Also check out this article, The Key to Going Natural. These small, gradual changes lead to great energetic shifts as we all move into alignment with our soul’s yearning to be one with Universal will.


Jupiter in Leo

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On July 17 Jupiter, the benefic planet of good luck, wisdom, and philosophy moves into the fiery sign of Leo, urging us to connect with the heart and shine our light. Leo is compassionate, generous, and creative, and adores to be in the spotlight. Jupiter is the teacher and guru, and his influence expands whatever it touches. In the sign of Leo, we are gently encouraged to connect with our inner child and foster our creativity, self-care, and self-expression. Leo loves to laugh, dance, play, and create. Shine your heart’s light in all that you do, and the Universe will bless you with unexpected gifts and opportunities, especially while assisting others on their path.

When you share your authentic self, in all your vulnerability, power, compassion, and love, you inspire so many others. You may not even realize it, but trust that what is best for you is also best for everyone else. Because we live in a fractal universe, the microcosm is but a reflection of the whole. And so when you are happy and living in the highest vibration of your truth, that creates harmonic patterns within the entire Universe.

The Leo energy is warm sunshine and heart-centered creativity and self-expression. Jupiter in Leo is all about having fun, laughing, playing, and connecting to our beautiful inner child. With this in mind, know that when you focus on what makes you happy, you effectively ground in more light and inspire many, many others, simply by the elevated vibration of your being. We are all channeling Source, and an aspect of that is our soul’s unique expression!