Gaia Goddess

rose girl ethereal mermaid

     The Gaia Goddess embodies the depths of her femininity, her limitless source of creativity, compassion, and strength. The Divine Feminine is coming into harmony, emerging from the darkness, reclaiming her power. She will no longer be silenced or dehumanized. Her powers of empathy and intuition are being awakened as we integrate the masculine and feminine into our being, in balance once again. The goddess will no longer be suppressed, manipulated, and made inferior to the patriarchal system. She will awaken to her sensual, erotic power, with no fear of the depth of her emotions and passions. She surrenders to them all. She is the future, the compassionate visionary, creating a beautiful Golden Age on Gaia where we live in enlightened communities, in harmony with the earth and each other.

Earth Angels.

The guardians of Gaia are here to lead by example by showing others what it means to truly live in the full radiance of divine light. By nature, Earth Angels are sensitive, empathic, compassionate, and attuned to subtle Universal energy. They need a lot of time alone to sit in meditation and recharge. As natural healers, Earth Angels assist others in accessing their light and removing fears that stand in the way of spiritual growth. Their purpose is to be stewards of the planet and to inspire others by fully stepping into their power. Earth Angels are also highly psychic and intuitive, and possess tremendous capabilities to heal through energy work and intention. Due to their empathic qualities, Earth Angels must actively shield themselves from the negativity and fear of others in order to maintain their own inner harmony. They must practice clearing to release any energy they take on from others. An effective method of clearing is to call in your Angels and Archangel Michael by saying, “Please clear any energy within or around me that is not of light and love. I now release any energy that is not mine.”

Earth Angels are waking up in order to assist the ascension of Gaia and usher in the Golden Age of the new Earth. They are being called upon to fully live in their light by healing themselves of past traumas, remembering their true divine origins, and devoting themselves to the path of their unique soul purpose. Sometimes the immensity of their mission can leave them feeling alone, distraught, and confused. If an Earth Angel does not feel ready to take on her mission, she may distract herself through addictions or co-dependent behavior. However, the gentle voice of her intuition and guides will help her get back on her path and give her the strength to continue. Earth Angels are also being called upon to step into positions of leadership during this lifetime in order to change broken systems and help others.

If you feel that you are an Earth Angel with a mission to serve the ascension of Gaia, know that you are not alone and that you have many resources to support you. Reach out to your Angels and guides for assistance. Refuse to dwell on the immensity of your mission, and instead focus on the action steps you can take now to fully align with your purpose. Know that you possess great power, intuition, and healing abilities. Honor your sensitive empathic nature by being patient and honest with yourself about your boundaries and needs. Always give back to yourself first so that you can more effectively serve others!


Fairy Wonderland.

fairy wonderland
After returning from a splendid journey in the mountains of Utah, I feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Each day was spent hiking in pristine nature where I existed outside the confines of time, giving and receiving healing. The woodland mountain air is incredibly oxygen-rich. Nothing feels better than taking an invigorating inhale of the freshest air. During those days deep in the mountains, I wanted to tread lightly, each step offering the land healing energy. By spending time outside in the wilderness, I felt loved, nurtured, and grounded. In the lush landscape of the mountains, there is an all-pervading peaceful serenity and silence that cannot be replicated elsewhere.

The majesty and grandeur of the beautiful mountains has a way of making one feel so small, yet intimately connected to the greater whole. Nature whispers her wisdom if we listen. She beckons us to love and care for her, as she does for others without expectation. The elementals and earth fairies that reside in these lush environments also encourage us to be stewards of the land, to actively protect and nurture our mother Gaia. In the wilderness, you can tune into pure life-force energy and allow yourself to be, beyond thought, desire, and fear. When you tune into the vibration of the land, it will lead you to lovely places that leave you in a state of awe and gratitude.

Utah mountains

With each step, you are guided to exactly where you are supposed to be. Love the journey!

Earth Goddess

ethereal mermaid sun gazing

The embodiment of the Divine Feminine is expressed through nature’s creative power. Gaia gives all of herself without expectation or attachment. To be an Earth Goddess is to appreciate the innate power of creation and to see the love inherent in everything. The Divine Feminine is the expansion of our consciousness to adore the goddess and her qualities of creativity, compassion, empathy, and raw, wild power. The feminine has been suppressed for so long because some feared her strength, could not understand her psychological, emotional, and sensual depths, and sought to subdue the goddess.

At this time, we are moving into harmonic balance between the masculine and feminine. The aspects of the goddess and female spirituality that have been repressed are bubbling to the surface in order to be healed and integrated within. The creative power of feminine nature is mystical, beyond logic. Shakti energy creates out of pure love, without need for gain, reward, or control. The male aspects are coming into alignment with the feminine as we move toward balance and healing.